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Alice Slavicek | Contact

+How to start?
Would you like to collaborate with me? There is nothing easier than contacting me via email or through the form below. With me, you don’t have to worry about long meetings or incomprehensible artistic expressions. Just describe your vision or project to me, then we can make a call or connect through the internet, and if we agree, you can look forward to my first drafts.

+What is coming next?
I strive to prepare the drafts as quickly as possible and with a “hot” pencil, so I can capture everything that has been said and what comes to my mind. If you like the drafts and we approve the concept, nothing will stand in the way of full-fledged work. Don’t worry that you won’t hear from me for a month and won’t know how the work is progressing. That is not my style and never will be! I continuously send you updates on the project’s progress and consult with you to avoid any misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the assignment. Finally, I deliver the final work in the format we agree upon, and that’s it.

+Do you have a larger project that one illustrator couldn’t handle?
In my bio, you can see my experience with larger projects, such as the iMucha Show or an animated spot for Prague Airport, where I had the opportunity to manage a team of illustrators and designers and work on larger projects that would be very time-consuming or impossible for a single illustrator. I work with a proven team, but I have no problem if you already have a proven team. It’s always an opportunity to get to know more creative and talented people.

+Do you have a smaller project and are you afraid it won’t be suitable for me?
As they say – there are no small projects! So if the project interests me, nothing can stand in the way of its realization.

+Does it all sound too simple?
It sounds simple because, in the end, it actually is simple!

Váš e-mail:

Váš projekt:

BcA. Alice Slavíčková
Francouzská třída 1873/32
32600 Plzeň 2-Slovany
IČO 06209424
Fyzická osoba zapsaná v Živnostenském rejstříku v Plzni od 21.06.2017